The Covenant Grants

Teaching to Diverse Learners in Jewish Day Schools

Organization: Hidden Sparks, New York, NY

Grant Year: 2010

Project Director: Debbie Niderberg

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $150,000 ( 3 years)


Covenant Classroom
Professional Development

To create and enhance professional development curricula and programming for those educating learning-disabled students in Jewish schools and other Jewish educational settings, and to expand outreach and engagement to new cities.

The curriculum integrates training for mainstream general and Judaic studies classroom teachers in understanding learning, behavior, and children’s social, emotional and developmental growth, providing the most comprehensive, holistic curriculum of its kind.

Hidden Sparks now offers hour long webinars for parents and teachers (Hidden Sparks Without Walls) as well as a five week blended – combining online and in person learning – course for faculty members of day schools (Learning Lenses). By the conclusion of the grant, Hidden Sparks has taught their Learning Lenses course five times to 103 coaches and teachers in 53 different schools. Participants have remarked that it has changed their way of looking at students, it has impacted their parenting and their teaching.

Hidden Sparks has also developed facilitator guides so that the Learning Lenses course can be taught in the same way in other regions.